
e-Gov Branch

Sr.No. Branch Work/File Subject (in English) Branch Work Description/Subject Description (in English)
1. Nodel Officer regarding. In this, after the transition of the existing nodal officer, the new nodal officer is appointed.
2. E-Office regarding In this, a month-long meeting is organized to run the work of the e-office project smoothly
3. Bio metric regarding.

It takes biometric attendance of all the officers / employees. The report of which is presented in monthly meeting every month.
4. Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA) Meetings are held to run the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Yojna in a communicative manner.
5. District Implementation committeee. It is held each month to run the services of service centers in a smooth manner.
6. miscellanies file

It does all kinds of work which no file is made.